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Making your own Modules

Homarr can be easily extended using Modules. We ship commononly used Modules by default to you. If you'd like to integrate other services into Homarr Modules, you can make your own Module.


Making your own module is at your own risk. We can provide only limited help to the development of own modules. We highly apprechiate if you consider sharing your module with us, to further extend the collection of built-in modules of Homarr. Please read our Contribution Guidelines and Code of Conduct.


To create your own Module, you will have to modify the Homarr source code. If you've never used NextJS before, we recommend you to have a look at the official NextJS documentation, since Homarr is built with NextJS.

Modifying the source code requires you to have a version of Homarr installed from source. Docker (Compose) and UNRAID will not work.

Prepare your Workspace

  • Clone the Repository using git clone
  • Enter the created directory using cd homarr
  • Install all dependencies using yarn install
  • Build the source using yarn build
  • Start the NextJS web server using yarn dev

Use a capable editor for development If you have not installed a development environment yet, your OS will probably open the source code files in the default notepad editor. Usually, those are very basic and offer no help for development.

We'd recommend to install one of these editors for development:

  • Visual Studio Code (highly recommended)
  • Atom
  • Sublime
  • PHPStorm (paid)

Depending on your environment, you need to install additional extensions or plugins for development with NextJS.


This documentation will be expanded in the near future, explaining how to make a Module.